I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK! is the proud recipient of the Gold Mom’s Choice Awards® which evaluates products and services created for children, families and educators.
I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK! was awarded 2nd Place with the worldwide Royal Dragonfly Award, honoring excellence in 67 categories of literature.
President Trump
45th & 47th President
Tulsi Gabbard
US Director of National Intelligence
Rob Schneider
Esai Morales
Ricky Schroder
Jon Voight
Marla Maples
Actress & Health Advocate
Dr. Bryan Ardis
Functional Medical Doctor
Dr. Peter McCullough
Dr. Stella Immanuel
General Michael Flynn
U.S. National Security Advisor
Obba Babatunde
Rapper; Influencer
Del Bigtree
The HighWire/ICAN
Jimmy Levy
Singer & Songwriter
Dr. Judy Mikovits - Molecular Biologist;
Actress Sharyn Wynters
Mike Lindell
My Pillow
Joel “King Bau” Bauman
MMA Fighter
Dr. Jeff Barke
Family Medicine
Alex Stein - PrimeTimeStein
Owen Shroyer - InfoWars
Drea de Matteo
Jessica Sutta
Pussycat Dolls
Sara Carter
FOX News Journalist
Trish and Dr. James Neuenschwander,
President of MAPS
Here's what actor Ricky Schroder says about the book, I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK!
Written by Dr. Shannon Kroner
Illustrated by Manfred Calderon
The book is also available online at the following stores:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, The Highwire and Target.
“Dr. Shannon Kroner has been courageous in her efforts to protect vaccine choice. Her book, I’m Unvaccinated and That’s Ok! pioneers a new genre of children’s books that aims at educating children about truth and freedom and prepares them for citizenship in democracy.”
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense and author of Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak and The Real Anthony Fauci
“This book is a beautiful and loving way to begin educating your child about vaccines, while protecting their innocence. It might be a children’s book that could save their life one day.” –Del Bigtree, Founder & CEO, Informed Consent Action Network, and Host of The HighWire
“The choice to remain unvaccinated is a basic human and civil right. This is especially true given the burgeoning rate of vaccine injury in children. No one— particularly a child—should ever be shamed or marginalized for a health choice. This is a children’s book whose time has come. I highly recommend it to all parents who are making the increasingly common choice to keep their children healthy and vaccine free.”
—Christiane Northrup, MD, three-time New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause, and Goddesses Never Age
“Dr. Kroner has written a must-read children’s book for any family that is finding itself questioning vaccination. This book takes a gentle approach to the topic of vaccination and can easily be used as a conversation starter with doctors, teachers, and family members who may disagree with your vaccination choices.”
—Sam Sorbo, education freedom advocate, author, and filmmaker
“Dr. Kroner has provided the world with a book that serves as an ideal gift for—and from—loving parents who want their children to know that science is for asking questions.”
—Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, IPAK/IPAK-EDU.org
“As a pediatrician who personally fights for medical freedom and supports informed consent, I feel that Dr. Kroner has done a beautiful job presenting the importance of vaccine choice in a way that is easy to read and understand for both children and adults. This is a book that should be in every home library and pediatric office. This book does a wonderful job illustrating the importance of parents doing their research. As more people choose to avoid vaccinations for various reasons, this book lets them know they're not alone and that this decision is OK.”
—Paul Thomas, MD, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, founder and host of With The Wind: Science Revealed, https://www.doctorsandscience.com, cofounder of KidsFirst4Ever.com
No estoy vacunado y está bien es la historia de un niño no vacunado llamado Nicholas Novaks, quien comparte las muchas razones por las que sus padres han decidido no vacunarlo. Nicholas explica las preocupaciones personales de sus padres sobre las lesiones causadas por las vacunas, la importancia de encontrar un médico en quien confiar y con quien hablar abiertamente, la investigación que hicieron antes de tomar esta decisión, y cómo es la vida para un niño no vacunado que tiene un hermano mayor con lesiones causadas por la vacuna.
Inspirado por las historias personales de niños con lesiones causadas por vacunas, que han sido compartidas con la Dra. Shannon Kroner a lo largo de muchos años de trabajo con familias con necesidades especiales, la Dra. Kroner tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la importancia de elegir vacunar o no y la necesidad de investigar antes de tomar una decisión importante como la vacunación. Únete a Nicholas mientras comparte lo que significa ser un niño no vacunado en el mundo actual y por qué la elección personal en cuanto a la vacunación siempre debe ser respetada.
Nuestra querida comunidad de habla hispana es muy importante para mí y merece conocer la verdad sobre las vacunas tanto como cualquier otra persona.
Lamentablemente, no hay mucha información honesta sobre vacunas circulando en español.
Así que esto es un LLAMADO A LA ACCIÓN. Por favor, ayúdame a llevar este libro a las comunidades de habla hispana comprando 20, 50 o incluso 100 libros para donar a escuelas, bibliotecas, iglesias, ¡y más, en el área que elijas! Si estás interesado en contribuir a esta causa, obteniendo este recurso tan importante para aquellos que no tienen literatura honesta sobre vacunas, envíame un correo electrónico a drsk@drshannonkroner.com
Nuestros amigos de habla hispana tienen derecho a saber qué están introduciendo en sus cuerpos, sin importar lo que elijan. Y ahora tienes la capacidad de demostrarles que estás consciente y te importa, regalándoles empoderamiento y conocimiento sobre vacunas en el nuevo año.
Our beloved Spanish-speaking community is very important to me, and deserves to know the truth about vaccines as much as anyone else!
Sadly, there isn’t much honest information regarding vaccines, that is circulating in Spanish.
So, this is a CALL TO ACTION. Please help me to get this book into the Spanish-speaking communities by buying 20, 50 or even 100 books to donate to schools, libraries, churches, and the like- in an area of your choice! If you’re interested in contributing to this cause, by getting this very important resource into the hands of those who have no honest vaccine literature, please email me at drsk@drshannonkroner.com
Our Spanish-speaking friends have the right to know what is going into their bodies, no matter what they choose. And, you now have the ability to show them that you’re aware, and that you care by gifting them with empowerment and vaccine knowledge in the new year.
Dr. Shannon Kroner has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, a Master's in Special Education, with a focus in Educational Therapy, and a Bachelor’s in English. She has been working with special needs families since 2001. Her 2013 doctoral dissertation entitled, Childhood Vaccinations: The Development of an Educational Manual, provides a psychological viewpoint of the ways in which parents make decisions regarding vaccinations for their children.
Dr. Kroner is the Executive Director of Freedom Of Religion - United Solutions (FOR-US). As executive director, she has built an interfaith coalition of religious leaders who have united to protect the religious freedom of vaccine choice, helping thousands of American's obtain religious vaccine exemptions for work and school.
Published by Skyhorse Publishing and ICAN Press, Dr. Kroner is the author of the children's book, I'm Unvaccinated and That's OK!
If you would like to book Dr. Shannon Kroner for a speaking engagement please email her at drsk@drshannonkroner.com
Dr. Kroner has a long list of recommended resources ranging from her favorite books, movies, websites, and more.
Here are just a few...
Know your rights: https://icandecide.org/
Vaccine exemptions: https://forunitedsolutions.org/
Latest news: https://thehighwire.com/
Research studies: https://ipaknowledge.org/
Educational rights: https://www.perk-group.com/
Find a doctor: https://physiciansforinformedconsent.org/
Homeschool info: https://www.samsorbo.com/
Personal stories: https://www.unvaccinatedchildren.com/
Podcast: https://drtenpenny.com/
Vaccine Information: https://www.stopmandatoryvaccination.com/
Vaccine information: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/
The Spellers Method: https://spellers.com/
Report a vaccine injury: https://vaers.hhs.gov/esub/index.jsp
Supplements: therealdrjudy.com
Signs for protests/rallies: https://www.visforvaccine.com/
Hospital resources: https://freenowfoundation.org/resources/
Heal Yourself: http://www.robertscottbell.com/
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